Wednesday, December 16, 2009

On the mend....

After a couple days on the couch (and LOTS of time at night needing extra snuggles), Sadie is starting to perk up a bit. I was happy when I came back home after just a couple hours away to find that she had made a nice mess again with her toys in the living room - a true sign of a happy kid!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Cookies with Momma

Ok, this was WAY too much fun to watch - Sadie and cookie dough! Although she wasn't much help with the actual production of the cookies, she was pretty helpful with clean-up.

Monday, December 7, 2009

A nice day to be at home

I really gotta get better about updating... I would love to be as talented as some of my friends with their super-cute blogs, but I have to admit, I'm a little ADD. I just can't seem to make myself actually keep up on this and make it witty and fun to look at.

But, I do love taking pix of my favorite little girl. She is getting so big! She loves to watch the Christmas tree and tries very hard NOT to touch the ornaments. But they're so tempting that she sometimes has to put her hands behind her back to resist the urge to grab them.

Snapfish Link

I'd like to share my Snapfish photos with you. Once you have checked out my photos you can order prints and upload your own photos to share.
Click here to view photos

Monday, September 14, 2009

OMG!! Nobody wants to see that...

Ok, I admit that until now all I have talked about is my daughter which - as anyone with children knows - is pretty much par for the course. A little back-story...

I have worked very hard over my first year of mommy-hood to lose my "baby weight". I am very proud to say that it took me nine months to gain the weight (with baby, close to 50 pounds) and nine months to lose it all. Now, I am stuck at where I had been before I got pregnant, which is trying to lose another 15 pounds. After having a "fat day" yesterday and slacking on the healthy eating for a while I have decided that now is the time to crack down and get rid of the weight I want to get rid of. I am just going to take this one week at a time, but my goal is to go to the gym at least 3 days a week.

Now, going to the gym for me means getting up at about 6 so I can be there and back before Aaron has to go to work and Sadie is up and around for the day. So I was already pretty proud of myself when I made it there this morning.

Anyone who has worked out in a gym knows about the locker rooms and the fact that there's always at least one person who is WAY to comfortable in their own skin and feels the need to walk around totally or partially naked. Mind you, I have not been in the gym in at least 3 months. I managed - today - to see that same woman that I have seen on numerous other occasions in the same lack-of-clothes doing "the dance" that you do when you're putting your underwear on after taking a shower. Yuck!!! Right as I walk in after running on the treadmill, I've already made it in and out of the locker room once already, and there she is! I don't ever really see her actually exercising, just baring all in the locker room.

Needless to say, I am not that excited about going back tomorrow. Maybe I can just leave everything in the car....

Sunday, September 6, 2009

my baby is now a little girl...

I've just been noticing recently that Sadie is really starting to look like a little girl instead of a little baby. I love watching her figure things out and do things for the first time. She's started walking a little - usually 4-5feet at a time - and yesterday she walked all the way out to the car holding hands with Aaron and I. She was so proud of herself. We've officially reached "toddler" status.

Aunt Rachel (my little sister who lives in Boston now) sent Sadie this super-cute hat the other day. I thought I'd take some pictures since it fits just perfect right now and I don't know for sure how long that will last!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

a visit to Gramma & Grampa's

After a full day without a fever, we decided to have some R&R at gramma's... who better to make you feel better after being sick? It was a lot of fun because we broke out a bunch of toys that I used to play with as a little one - Sadie had lots of fun with them.

I got to raid my mom's stash of scrapbooking goodies and catch up on some pages I haven't had much chance to work on. And then there was this experiment with an ear of corn...

Grampa is always lots of fun to play with, too!

We've spent today catching up on laundry and hanging out at home. Sadie can't wait to visit Gramma and Grampa again really soon!

Monday, August 24, 2009

so what is croupe anyway?

So Miss Sadie has been battling (and winning!) with a fever the last day and a half, so last night we took her to the ER and after lots of tests and prodding in various orafices (she was NOT happy!) they came to the conclusion that it must be something viral - which has apparently been going around - and/or the early stage of croupe (is there an "e"? I don't know...). Yuck! So the poor kid got tylenol, motrin, and decadron and today is feeling TONS better. Outside of her schedule being a little out of whack, she seems to be back to her old self - praise God!

Now, I feel like I'm some kind of bad mom for "letting" her get sick and am now in the process of sterilizing all of her toys as well as our entire apartment. :-)

My gross feat of the day was cleaning out our garbage tote that sits outside on our porch. It was growing things in it... nasty buggy-type things. I went through three cleaning rags (I threw them away - I'm not cleaning those things!) and LOTS of disinfectant and made all kinds of oogey faces in the process, but I think we are sufficiently de-bugged.

Side-note on something funny that happened last week... Sadie got bit by some little boy in the nursery at church (NOT funny - but she didn't get hurt and I don't think it phased her) and of course, the ladies working there felt terrible but he managed to bite two kids in about 15 seconds. The funny part was what instantly popped into my head - I need to teach my daughter how to fight. If I teach my sweet little princess to give a mean right hook to the chin, we no longer have an issue. Is that wrong? I found myself telling her as she smiled at me, "that's okay honey, you don't ever start stuff with anybody, but you're not gonna get in trouble for finishing them". Aaron definitely agreed, but had a few choice words he wanted to share with the little boy's dad. And so it begins....

Thursday, August 20, 2009

what a wonderful gloomy day...

So, I feel like I've accomplished absolutely zip today and I don't even really feel bad about it! I blame the gloomy weather. I am quite pleased with myself because I finally posted pix from Sadie's birthday that everyone's been begging for - that was a really fun day.

Sadie's latest... I know it's her naptime when she chases me around the apartment holding her snuggly blanket and pointing at the couch. Then I know it's time for a couple stories before she falls asleep - she always giggles while we get ourselves situated. It's one of my favorite things.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

just an update...

Wow! It's been a while... it's kinda hard because both our computers are kinda junky and won't let me download pictures :-( bummer...

Anyway, Miss Sadie turned one almost two weeks ago! Her party was lots of fun and there was all kinds of family here. I can't believe I'm the momma of an almost-toddler! She's sooo close to walking - it's kinda scary - it should be any time now.

Rachel is on her way to Boston today... I can't believe how much I miss her already! She's been around so much and babysitting Sadie, it's been really great having her closeby and Sadie just LOVES her. It will be fun to be all together again at Christmas (sans Hannah, which stinks, but better than nothing!)

FYI... finding sitters is a pain in the butt! I'm so glad I only work 2 days a week, but even that seems like a lot when I'm trying to find someone to watch the little one. I'd just like to be at home - that will be here soon enough and I can hardly wait!!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Sick house!!!

So I'm kinda bummed that I am currently the only healthy one in my home at this point. Sadie has been battling an ear infection (and winning!) and then got the flu - or something like it that makes you puke and poop your brains out - and shared it with her daddy.

Needless to say, I feel like all I've been doing the last few days is laundry, puke spot patrol (yes, those are towels on the floor), and handing out beverages and popcicles. I'm glad I went to school for this! I think one more day of everyone at home laying low will do us all wonders...

Monday, March 16, 2009

Sorry it took so long!

Wow! So I obviously suck at this blogging thing so far! I'm trying to get in the habit again (same with checking my facebook... it just hasn't been a priority). I promise to put some new pix up as soon as I get them downloaded...

The little one (Sadie) :-) is now army-crawling like a champ and has mastered the raspberries and squealing like something prehistoric. It's really funny! She is now 7 months old - I can't believe how fast this first year is going - kinda scary.

Aaron and I are doing well. We're appearantly doing something cool on wednesday for my birthday (since I have to work 12 hours tomorrow - feel bad for me) but it's a total secret - I'm kind of excited!

I'm loving this weather - I am very ready for springtime....