Monday, March 16, 2009

Sorry it took so long!

Wow! So I obviously suck at this blogging thing so far! I'm trying to get in the habit again (same with checking my facebook... it just hasn't been a priority). I promise to put some new pix up as soon as I get them downloaded...

The little one (Sadie) :-) is now army-crawling like a champ and has mastered the raspberries and squealing like something prehistoric. It's really funny! She is now 7 months old - I can't believe how fast this first year is going - kinda scary.

Aaron and I are doing well. We're appearantly doing something cool on wednesday for my birthday (since I have to work 12 hours tomorrow - feel bad for me) but it's a total secret - I'm kind of excited!

I'm loving this weather - I am very ready for springtime....

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