So I know anyone who reads this can tell that I'm obviously not a "professional" blogger. I'm not on here nearly regular enough to actually remember how to change stuff (it only took me the last couple weeks to get the background the way I want it and I just now, after much struggle, got our picture at the top to not be ginormous).
Anyhow, Miss Sadie is growing like a weed and the weather's finally really nice here so we've been spending a lot of time outside. I finally have a jogging stroller (thanks to a friend of mine who managed to find a great one at a garage sale) and it's been working out for Sadie and I really well. She kinda gets the better end of the deal, since she gets to ride while I sweat my butt off (hopefully that's what is actually happening - that's the goal, anyway). But it's nice to get into the habit of running again. I've managed to do about 45 minutes 3 times a week and haven't collapsed yet!
Other "news" of late is that I finally finished our wedding album! It's only been 6 years, give me a break. I'm pretty excited to see it finished, it turned out pretty nice. Now onto the honeymoon album! I'm also in search of a new album for Sadie after her first birthday... still got some work to do.
I'm getting really excited for camp this year! I feel way more prepared than I was last summer. I may even include some pix this year - after all, there is more to my life than just being a momma (but that is a pretty fun part!)
Another iron in the fire is homeschooling. I know, psycho, she's not even two yet.... I'm just doing some research now so I feel like I've got a little handle on the process before I actually jump in with both feet. I welcome any suggestions for reliable Christian homeschooling resources! The more prepared I am the better. I didn't realize how many different methods there are and there is TONS of support in this area alone. I'm excited to start, but I don't want to rush things, either. I'm definitely enjoying the toddler phase!
2014 - in mini collages
10 years ago