Monday, November 8, 2010


Do you ever feel like God's using every circumstance to grow and change you? I have to admit I don't often feel that way, but there have been a few events and circumstances lately that have made me think a lot about my life and how I'm living it.

Now that the boxes are unpacked and rooms are painted, I really feel the impact of how blessed we are to have this house. It's exactly what we need right now and even though there are some things about it I would definitely change if we owned it versus just paying rent like we are, I really feel like it's ours and it's just about perfect. While I'm most definitely not excited for winter, I am excited to decorate the house for Christmas and just living life here in these walls. I really think we're creating good memories here.

Part (or most) of those memories involve the absolutely astonishing cuteness of my daughter. She turned 2 in august and is just so much fun to be around. She definitely has her moments - in fact, as I write this she just ran in and swung her blankie at me and yelled "MINE!" which might be one of her favorite words. But for the most part, she is a borderline perfect little treasure. The stuff she says is just hilarious and watching her little wheels turn as she processes what going on is really amazing - as I'm sure anyone with a toddler could tell you.

I also feel like the recent death of a friend has had a profound effect on me. I met her just last year in my church bible study. She was diagnosed with cancer in 2006 and although she battled with it on a daily basis and went through, I think, three rounds of chemo, I never thought of her as "the lady with cancer". I struggled with understanding her situation. I know no one really deserves to get cancer, but if that were the case, she most definitely did not deserve to get it. She was a good person, a wife, mother of two little girls, and only 40 years old.

But the most amazing thing about her was her peaceful spirit. She was not afraid to die. Now, please understand, I believe in God and salvation through Jesus and heaven and all that, but she was so at peace that I questioned myself whether I had really really believed it at all.

Her memorial service and her death itself really impacted me. I cried of course, but I found that I wasn't crying for her at all. I realized that I never really felt sorry for her - I was mad at her situation, at cancer, at the unfairness of it all that such an amazing person would be taken away from her family at such a young age - but I never felt sorry for her simply because of the way she lived every day. She didn't invoke pity from anyone and I almost felt it would have been an insult to her. I was so moved while singing (songs that she picked out) because I knew she was there, singing along as she loved to do, and at the same time experiencing heaven and the presence of God that we can't even begin to imagine or understand.

So what does this mean for me? I wish I had an answer. I wish I had a lot of answers. But for now I'm going to do my best to enjoy every day I have, to not freak out when the kitchen isn't clean and I find socks on the floor, to not be so hard on myself for not working out like a maniac and eating a perfectly balanced diet, and to snuggle my little girl and my husband every chance I get and tell my family I love them every chance I get until they're almost sick of hearing it.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Feels like I'm home again

Well, we're all officially moved and probably 90% settled in the new house. The kitchen is painted and decorated (thanks for the help, Mom!), curtains are hanging, and most of the boxes are gone. Our bedroom is still in shambles mostly because we're in need of another dresser - just a few piles of clothes and shoes on the floor, nothing exciting - but aside from that, I'm finally feeling like I can sit and relax while Sadie is napping instead of attacking some other part of the settling process.

This neighborhood is really nice. It took me a while to get used to the traffic (we're on kind of a busy road), but there's a lot within walking distance in every direction. Sadie and I have spent some time getting the lay of the land here - which of course includes finding playgrounds close by. We've found a couple really nice ones so far and one of them has the highest slides I've ever seen. My brave little girl hikes all the way to the top and comes crash-banging down the tunnel slides like an old pro, laughing all the way. I've also found a couple nice consignment shops (got some fall stuff for the short one!) and a super-fabulous ice cream place just up the road.

All in all, we're loving the house. Aside from the psycho squirrel a couple weeks ago (long story, ask me later), we've had a great time here so far. We even tried out the fire pit in the backyard - we did up smores and everything!

Here's a few from the last couple weeks...

last bath in the apartment
Sadie and I took the last load of stuff out and turned in our keys on September 2. Last shot of our feet before we left...

This is Sadie's idea of helping Mommy clean...
The new poncho from Gramma Bonnie is great for chilly days when you just have to go outside and color with sidewalk chalk.

Monday, August 30, 2010

this is where we used to live...

After several vehicles full of our possessions made the trek to Jenison, the "old" apartment is looking pretty bare. I gotta say, it's a pretty weird feeling to be moving. Aaron and I have been here for over 6 years and in that time we've acquired a lot of stuff - not to mention a child, who has also acquired a lot of stuff. We won't be totally out for two more days, but it already doesn't totally feel like ours anymore.

I'm totally excited about the new house, though! After being there yesterday just to drop off stuff, I was so happy to see it again and get used to the idea of actually living in a house. I can't wait to not live in white and beige! I don't care if we're only there for a year or two, I am PAINTING! I'll definitely post some pix.

Sadie has been great in all the chaos. She's super excited about her house - with the big yard, her own room, and the water fountain in the back (she repeats the list whenever she's asked what's in "her house").

The next couple days will be nuts, but I'll be so glad when the move is over. It's great to be entering into a new part of our lives!!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Home again, home again...

I'm finally caught up on all the laundry and putting away of all the miscellaneous things accumulated from camp! It was an awesome week and really a blessing to be able to serve God in something that's "work" but not, all at the same time. I spent the week at Lake Louise which is way the heck up north, just down the road from The Whippy Dip - yup, it's still there! - and a good 20 minute drive to the nearest Starbucks (I just counted three on the same intersection about a mile from our apartment... weird).

It was an all-around great experience and I was much more prepared mentally than I felt like I was last year. Aside from my cabin being borderline - okay, completely - out of control, I think I did a pretty good job. Next year I will plan to pack more warm clothes, less makeup, and a coffee pot.

On the 4th of July, we hung out with some friends and watched the fireworks in East GR. Sadie was a riot! She loved the noise. She started yelling "boom!" and "wow!" and was trying to blow out the sparklers daddy got her.

Now that I'm back home again, I'm just noticing more and more how much Sadie is growing up. She will be 2 years old in just over 3 weeks and I'm amazed how many words she's saying! She's pretty hilarious and she loves to do whatever mommy is doing. This morning she saw me shaving my legs in the sink and she managed to put shaving cream on her legs and face.

Having fun being a momma.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Sick Puppy...

My poor little peanut came down with a fever last night! I feel so bad for her because there's not much I can do for her - just lots of snuggle time and movies out on the couch. Daddy even surrendered his spot in the bed so she could snuggle momma.... what a guy! We're going to see the doctor this afternoon to see what's up - kind of a weird time of year to be getting sick. We all made it through flu season healthy (despite not getting the shot - stick it to the man!)

I leave for camp a week from tomorrow - I actually feel somewhat prepared. That's a little scary. I'm excited, though, and not nearly as nervous as last year.

Ok, this wasn't today, but I had to get this on here somewhere. Too cute to pass up!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Hooray! I'm back for more!

So I know anyone who reads this can tell that I'm obviously not a "professional" blogger. I'm not on here nearly regular enough to actually remember how to change stuff (it only took me the last couple weeks to get the background the way I want it and I just now, after much struggle, got our picture at the top to not be ginormous).

Anyhow, Miss Sadie is growing like a weed and the weather's finally really nice here so we've been spending a lot of time outside. I finally have a jogging stroller (thanks to a friend of mine who managed to find a great one at a garage sale) and it's been working out for Sadie and I really well. She kinda gets the better end of the deal, since she gets to ride while I sweat my butt off (hopefully that's what is actually happening - that's the goal, anyway). But it's nice to get into the habit of running again. I've managed to do about 45 minutes 3 times a week and haven't collapsed yet!

Other "news" of late is that I finally finished our wedding album! It's only been 6 years, give me a break. I'm pretty excited to see it finished, it turned out pretty nice. Now onto the honeymoon album! I'm also in search of a new album for Sadie after her first birthday... still got some work to do.

I'm getting really excited for camp this year! I feel way more prepared than I was last summer. I may even include some pix this year - after all, there is more to my life than just being a momma (but that is a pretty fun part!)

Another iron in the fire is homeschooling. I know, psycho, she's not even two yet.... I'm just doing some research now so I feel like I've got a little handle on the process before I actually jump in with both feet. I welcome any suggestions for reliable Christian homeschooling resources! The more prepared I am the better. I didn't realize how many different methods there are and there is TONS of support in this area alone. I'm excited to start, but I don't want to rush things, either. I'm definitely enjoying the toddler phase!