Ok, I admit that until now all I have talked about is my daughter which - as anyone with children knows - is pretty much par for the course. A little back-story...
I have worked very hard over my first year of mommy-hood to lose my "baby weight". I am very proud to say that it took me nine months to gain the weight (with baby, close to 50 pounds) and nine months to lose it all. Now, I am stuck at where I had been before I got pregnant, which is trying to lose another 15 pounds. After having a "fat day" yesterday and slacking on the healthy eating for a while I have decided that now is the time to crack down and get rid of the weight I want to get rid of. I am just going to take this one week at a time, but my goal is to go to the gym at least 3 days a week.
Now, going to the gym for me means getting up at about 6 so I can be there and back before Aaron has to go to work and Sadie is up and around for the day. So I was already pretty proud of myself when I made it there this morning.
Anyone who has worked out in a gym knows about the locker rooms and the fact that there's always at least one person who is WAY to comfortable in their own skin and feels the need to walk around totally or partially naked. Mind you, I have not been in the gym in at least 3 months. I managed - today - to see that same woman that I have seen on numerous other occasions in the same lack-of-clothes doing "the dance" that you do when you're putting your underwear on after taking a shower. Yuck!!! Right as I walk in after running on the treadmill, I've already made it in and out of the locker room once already, and there she is! I don't ever really see her actually exercising, just baring all in the locker room.
Needless to say, I am not that excited about going back tomorrow. Maybe I can just leave everything in the car....
2014 - in mini collages
10 years ago